POWDER/Russian translation/action.cpp.po

Материал из Звезда и меч
Версия от 14:59, 3 марта 2009; Matrix (обсуждение | вклад)

(разн.) ← Предыдущая | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая → (разн.)
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# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-03 13:12+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: action.cpp:187
msgid "%U <hear> the sound of someone mashing buttons."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:191
msgid "Do not go there!  You will break the backlight!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:245
msgid "%U <do> not need to breathe."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:247
msgid "%U <be> unable to breathe."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:249
msgid "%U <choke>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:251
msgid "%U <breathe> heavily."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:258
msgid "%U <check> %r breath."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:265
msgid "%U <belch>"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:269
msgid "%U <breathe> %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:306
msgid "%U cannot jump very far."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:319
msgid "%U <lack> traction to jump."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:342
msgid "%U <prepare> to jump, then %U <think> better of it."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:359 action.cpp:371
msgid "%U <balk> at the leap!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:380
msgid "%U <leap>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:478
msgid "%U <flail> against unyielding vacuum!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:559
msgid "%U <push> %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:576
msgid "%U <strain>, but %IU <I:do> not budge."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:583
msgid "%IU <I:be> blocked by %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:591
msgid "%U <be> blocked by %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:598
msgid "%U <push> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:609
msgid "%U <push> thin air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:637
msgid "%U <swing> wildly at the air!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:653
msgid "%U <charge>!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:654
msgid "%U <yell> a warcry!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:655
msgid "%U <brace> your weapon!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:656
msgid "%U <rush> into battle!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:694
msgid "%U <know> %r %Iu better.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:754
msgid "%U <stab> deeply!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:766
msgid "%U <knock> %IU from %Mr %B1!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:768
msgid "grasp"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:781
msgid "%U <trip> %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:793
msgid "%U <knock> %MU unconscious!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:802
msgid "%U <stun> %MU!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:832
msgid "%U <drive> %r %Iu straight through %MU!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:996
msgid "%U head <butt> with %r %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:999
msgid "%U body <slam> with %r %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1002
msgid "%U shield <slam> with %r %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1006
msgid "%U <punch> with %r %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1009
msgid "%U <kick> with %r %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1016
msgid "Invalid itemslot selected"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1044 action.cpp:1106
msgid "%U cannot go there, so cannot swap places."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1050
msgid "%U cannot swap places while in a pit."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1055
msgid "%U cannot swap places while up a tree."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1060
msgid "%U cannot swap places while submerged."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1075
msgid "%U <be> wearing too much to swap places with %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1081
msgid "%U <swap> positions with %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1104
msgid "%U cannot swap places with %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1115
msgid "There is no one there to swap places with."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1122
msgid "%U <be> too big to swap places."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1127
msgid "%MU <M:be> too big to swap places."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1134
msgid "%MU cannot step here!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1144
msgid "%U cannot swap places with %MU because %Mp <M:be> in a pit."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1149
msgid "%U cannot swap places with %MU because %Mp <M:be> up a tree."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1154
msgid "%U cannot swap places with %MU because %Mp <M:be> submerged."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1168
msgid "%U <swap> places with %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1176
msgid "%U cannot budge %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1180
msgid "%U cannot quite shift %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1184
msgid "%U <push> %MU out of the way."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1188
msgid "%U <muscle> past %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1197
msgid "%U cannot swap places with someone %p <be> fighting!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1201
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1238
msgid "%U <lie> down to sleep."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1242
msgid "%U <stay> wide awake!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1361
msgid "%U <disappear> in a puff of smoke."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1369
msgid "%U <vibrate>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1407 action.cpp:1424 action.cpp:1429 action.cpp:1435
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1456
msgid "$U <find> the door latched."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1465 action.cpp:1545
msgid "%U cannot budge the door!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1469
msgid "%U cannot quite shift the door."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1474
msgid "%U <force> the door open."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1479
msgid "%U <open> the door smoothly."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1491
msgid "The door is already open."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1502
msgid "That is not openable!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1528
msgid "%MU <M:hold> the door open!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1536 action.cpp:5693
msgid "The door is blocked by %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1549
msgid "%U cannot quite shift the door!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1554
msgid "%U <close> the door."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1559
msgid "%U <slam> the door shut."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1572
msgid "The door is already closed."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1575
msgid "That is not closeable!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1625
msgid "%U <search> and find nothing."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1696
msgid "%U <try> to climb thin air!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1730
msgid "%U <fly> out of the pit."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1739
msgid "%U <climb> out of the pit."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1744
msgid "%U <slip> and <fall> back into the pit."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1769
msgid "%U <struggle> in the lava."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1772
msgid "%U <step> out of the lava."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1775
msgid "%U <pull> out of the lava."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1782
msgid "%U <flounder> in the water."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1785 action.cpp:1798
msgid "%U <step> to the surface."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1788 action.cpp:1801
msgid "%U <swim> to the surface."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1795
msgid "%U <flounder> in the acid."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1808
msgid "%U <pound> on the ice in vain."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1814
msgid "The enclosing rock fastly imprisons %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1855
msgid "%U <return> to the sweet air of the surface world."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1864
msgid ""
"Until %U <have> slain Baezl'bub and have his black heart, the surface world "
"cannot help %p."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1874
msgid "%U <recoil> from the light of the surface world."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1882
msgid "%U <bonk> %r head on an invisible barrier."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1890 action.cpp:2085
msgid "%U cannot find room at the end of the ladder."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1895
msgid "%U <fly> up the ladder."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1897 action.cpp:2092
msgid "%U <climb> the ladder."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1937
msgid "%U <fly> up into the tree."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1939
msgid "%U <climb> up the tree."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1947
msgid "%U <be> already at the top of the tree."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1954
msgid "%U <fly> up and hit the roof."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1956
msgid "%U <try> to climb up thin air!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1983
msgid "%U <fly> into the teleporter."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1985
msgid "%U <climb> into the teleporter."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:1999 action.cpp:2077
msgid "%U <be> stopped by an invisible barrier."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2009
msgid "%U <find> the hole blocked."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2020
msgid "%U <fly> down the hole."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2022
msgid "%U <jump> into the hole."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2048
msgid "%U carefully <climb> into the pit."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2090
msgid "%U <fly> down the ladder."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2136
msgid "The portal refuses to open without the key."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2144
msgid "%U <recoil> from a seeming infinite abyss."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2152
msgid "%U cannot find room at the end of the portal."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2157
msgid "%U <fly> into the portal."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2159
msgid "%U <climb> into the portal."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2195
msgid "%U <dive> into the lava."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2210
msgid "%U <dive> into the water."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2225
msgid "%U <dive> into the acid."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2243
msgid "%U <fly> down from the tree."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2245
msgid "%U <climb> down the tree."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2257
msgid "%U <scrabble> at the floor!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2275 action.cpp:2288 action.cpp:2295
msgid "%U cannot reach %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2281
msgid "%U <grope> on the floor foolishly!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2309
msgid "%U <pick> up %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2317
msgid "%U <try> to pick up %B1 and <fail>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2338
msgid "%U <drop> nothing."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2345
msgid "%U cannot drop %IU because it equipped."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2355
msgid "%U <drop> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2367
msgid "%IU <I:drop> to the ground."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2414
msgid "%U <rummage> through %r backpack."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2486
msgid "Drop failed!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2531
msgid "%U <eat> thin air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2541
msgid "%U cannot eat %IU because it is equipped."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2548
msgid "%U <be> too full to eat anything more."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2573 action.cpp:2906
msgid "%U <drink> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2630
msgid "The %Iu <I:heal> %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2649
msgid "%U <feel> more robust."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2722 action.cpp:5268
msgid "%R metabolism stabilizes."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2728
msgid "The poison is expunged from %R veins."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2741 action.cpp:5718 action.cpp:5848 action.cpp:5880
#: action.cpp:5937
msgid "Nothing happens."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2748
msgid ""
"The liquid catches on fire as it leaves the bottle!  Burning liquid covers %"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2764
msgid "%U <gain> insight."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2775
msgid "Smoke billows out of %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2799
msgid "The %Iu <I:recharge> %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2818 action.cpp:3083
msgid "%U <receive> a boost."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2828
msgid "Unknown potion class!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2891
msgid "Invalid magic type"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2955
msgid "%U <munch> on broken glass."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2969
msgid "%U <consider> eating %IU, but sanity prevails."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2986
msgid "Powerful magic forces prevent %U from eating %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2994
msgid "%U <consume> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2995
msgid "%U <eat> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2996
msgid "%U <dine> on %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:2997
msgid "%U <munch> on %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3035
msgid "%r stomach burns!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3091
msgid "%U cannot digest %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3120
msgid "%U <discard> %IU on the ground."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3156
msgid "%U <read> thin air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3163
msgid "%U cannot read %IU, as %p <be> blind."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3184 action.cpp:3438
msgid "%U <read> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3229
msgid "%U <be> more aware of %r possessions!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3265
msgid "A pillar of fire engulfs %U!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3298
msgid "A warm light spreads from %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3302
msgid "An inky blackness spreads from %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3313
msgid "%U <be> less aware of %r surroundings."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3315
msgid "%U <be> very aware of %r surroundings."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3317
msgid "%U <be> more aware of %r surroundings."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3341
msgid "%R wounds are healed."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3396
msgid "%U <feel> omnipotent!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3397
msgid "The feeling passes."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3407
msgid "%R %IU is already as all-powerful as it can get."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3414
msgid ""
"Eldritch energies from planes both higher and lower swirl through the air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3415
msgid "They condense into a thick plasma which surrounds %R %Iu!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3416
msgid "%IU <I:be> now named by the gods!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3420
msgid "%Ip <I:be> now known as %IU!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3426
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3448
msgid "Reading not supported for non-avatar!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3475 action.cpp:3482
#, c-format
msgid "You have %d free %s %s."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3477
msgid "spell"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3478 action.cpp:3485
msgid "slot"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3478 action.cpp:3485
msgid "slots"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3484
msgid "skill"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3533
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3616
#, c-format
msgid "Learn %s?"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3678
msgid "%U <determine> the number of pages in %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3685
msgid "%IU <I:fade> away."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3696
msgid "%U <look> at %IU but cannot find any writing."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3751
msgid "%U <try> to dip into thin air!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3758
msgid "%U <dip> nothing into %IU.  Suprisingly, nothing happens!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3766
msgid "%IU <I:be> not a klein bottle!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3774
msgid "%U cannot dip anything into an equipped item."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3807
msgid "Lacking room, %U <drop> %IU"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3823
msgid "Lacking room, %U <drop> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3857
msgid "%U <mime> throwing something."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3864
msgid "%U cannot throw equipped items."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3870
msgid "%U <toss> %IU from hand to hand."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3925
msgid "%U <fumble>!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3941
msgid "%U <throw> %IU onto the ground."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3955
msgid "%U <throw> %IU into the air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3960
msgid "%IU <I:fall> on %A!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3975
msgid "%U <fire> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:3977
msgid "%U <throw> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4001
msgid "%U <float> in the opposite direction."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4026
msgid "%U <have> nothing quivered."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4043
msgid "%U <quiver> empty air!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4050
msgid "%U <dequiver> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4055
msgid "%U <quiver> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4070
msgid "%U <try> to zap nothing!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4105
msgid "%U <have> no free space!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4149
msgid "%U <cast> %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4169
msgid "the floor"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4171
msgid "the ceiling"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4179
msgid "%U <gesture> in vain."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4188
msgid "%U <illuminate> empty air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4192
msgid "%U <direct> a blinding flash at %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4201 action.cpp:4217 action.cpp:4264 action.cpp:5215
#: action.cpp:5234 action.cpp:5252 action.cpp:5277 action.cpp:5295
msgid "%U <cast> at thin air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4205
msgid "%U <set> %MU alight."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4221
msgid "%U <touch> %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4228
msgid "Electrical sparks fly from %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4237
msgid "%U <send> a magic missile from %r fingertip."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4247 action.cpp:5136 action.cpp:5160 action.cpp:6674
msgid "The ray bounces."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4268
msgid "%U <spray> corrosive acid."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4286
msgid "The backsplash drenches %r %Iu!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4300
msgid "%IU <I:be> dissolved."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4311
msgid "Acid fills %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4321
msgid "%IU <I:be> unaffected."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4336
msgid "%U <condense> an acidic mist."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4344 action.cpp:4422 action.cpp:4438 action.cpp:4828
#: action.cpp:4843 action.cpp:4905
msgid "%U <concentrate> in vain."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4359
msgid "%U <create> a highly volatile blob of acid."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4368
msgid "devours"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4369
msgid "consumes"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4370
msgid "dissolves"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4371
msgid "eats"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4377
#, c-format
msgid "The blob %s %s."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4388
msgid "With nothing to sustain it, the blob fizzles away."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4405
msgid "The acid blob explodes violently!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4411
msgid "The acid blob has dissipated."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4431
msgid "%U <summon> a fountain of acid."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4449
msgid "A blob of mind-acid appears beside %U and then dissipates."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4462
msgid "%R mind acid is blocked by %r %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4482
#, c-format
msgid "Mind acid coats %s %s."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4497
msgid "The air boils as its contituent atoms are rent asunder."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4502
msgid "%MR atoms are rent asunder by %R dread magic."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4520
msgid "A bolt of force slams forward."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4528
#, c-format
msgid "The %s seems unaffected."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4529
#, c-format
msgid "floor"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4529
#, c-format
msgid "ceiling"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4553
msgid "A wall of force builds around %U and then slams outwards."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4696
msgid "A bolt of ice speeds from %r hands."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4704
msgid "The ray fizzles out."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4728
msgid "The air chills briefly."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4745
msgid "%U <freeze> into existence!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4768 action.cpp:5982 action.cpp:6019
msgid "%U <gesture> into the darkness."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4775
msgid "%U <try> to detonate thin air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4782
msgid "%MU <M:be> insufficiently cold to be a source."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4790
msgid "%U <unravel> the magics that stablize %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4801
msgid "A large blizzard fills the air with sleet and slow!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4809
msgid "%U magically <excavate> earth."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4820
msgid "Dirt flies as %U <focus> %r will."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4836
msgid "Verdant forest springs from the ground."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4855
msgid "The flames prevent %R magic from taking effect."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4860
msgid "Without trees to focus on, %R animation magic fizzles."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4866
msgid "A creature's presences prevents the forest from awakening."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4870
msgid "The forest comes to life!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4890
msgid "%U <focus> in vain."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4898
msgid "%U <summon> thick clouds that release a torrential downpour."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4918
msgid "%U <waste> %r energy."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4937
msgid "A large boulder starts to roll."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4942
msgid "%U <try> to get rock from air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:4959
msgid "A large boulder is carved out of the wall."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5016
msgid "The boulder shudders to a stop."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5065
msgid "Solid rock rises from the ground, entombing %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5110
#, c-format
msgid "The ray hits the %s."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5127
msgid "Lightning flies from %r hand."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5179
msgid "%U <talk> to the sun..."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5183
msgid "The sun ignores %r prayers!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5190
msgid "The sun answers %r prayers!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5191
msgid "Darkness falls on the surface world as the sun's energies are focussed."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5194
msgid "A blinding blast of light falls from the roof."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5203
msgid "The very rocks melt!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5228
msgid "%U <be> surrounded by a healthy aura."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5239 action.cpp:5282
msgid "%R wounds close."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5245 action.cpp:5288
msgid "%U <look> no better."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5258
msgid "The poison slows in %R veins."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5264
msgid "%U <be> not poisoned."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5300
msgid "The poison is expunged from %MR veins."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5305
msgid "%M <M:be> not poisoned."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5313
msgid "%U <be> not in need of aid."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5320
msgid "The stones fail to come to life."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5337
msgid "A famliar briefly appears before thinking better of it."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5360
msgid "%U <come> to %MR call!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5375
msgid "%U watch helplessly as %R hard earned experience evaporates."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5378
msgid "%U <be> wiser."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5401
msgid "%U <summon> %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5404
msgid "%U <be> summoned to %MR presence."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5422
msgid "%U <fetch> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5430
msgid "%R summons go unheeded."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5449
msgid "%U <stare> at %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5462
msgid "%U <stare> into darkness."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5468
msgid "%U <call> on %r god's power!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5496
msgid "%U foolishly <ask> %r god to strike thin air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5517
msgid "%U <become> attuned to %r possessions..."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5523
msgid "grey"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5525
msgid "white"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5527
msgid "black"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5529
msgid "%R %Iu <I:glow> %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5540
msgid "%U <sense> nothing new."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5576
msgid "%U <identify> %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5592
msgid "Light spreads out from %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5602
msgid "Darkness spreads out from %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5616
msgid "A map forms in %r mind"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5685
msgid "%U <hold> the door open!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5697
msgid "The door closes."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5704
msgid "The door opens."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5709
msgid "A voice booms: \"My test is not so easily bypassed!\""
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5712
msgid "A secret door opens."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5723
msgid "%U <hear> a distant knock."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5731
msgid "%U <build> a standing wave of magic."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5732
msgid "%U <be> revealed to all."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5742
msgid "%U <try> to track the wind."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5751
msgid "%U <peer> into %MU with your magic."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5759
msgid "%U <find> the empty air in surprisingly good condition."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5775
msgid "%MU easily <M:rebuff> %R attempt at control."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5779
msgid "%MU <M:rebuff> %R attempt at control."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5783
msgid "%U <overpower> %MR mental defences."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5787
msgid "%U easily <overpower> %MR mental defences."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5790
msgid "Invalid smarts check"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5807
msgid "%U <find> nothing to possess."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5817
msgid "%U <form> a stasis field."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5822 action.cpp:5841
msgid "%U <be> encased in a purple glow."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5863
msgid "A layer of dust covers %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5866
msgid "The dust falls to the floor."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5895
msgid "A layer of dandruff covers %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5924
msgid "The wall slumps into a large mound of flesh."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5947
msgid "southeast"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5947
msgid "south"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5947
msgid "southwest"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5948
msgid "east"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5948
msgid "invalid"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5948
msgid "west"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5949
msgid "northeast"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5949
msgid "north"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5949
msgid "northwest"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5958
#, c-format
msgid "A strong wind blows from the %s.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5963
msgid "The air stills to an unnatural calm.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:5989
msgid "%MU <M:be> still twitching."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6000
msgid "Without any corpses or bones, the magic is wasted."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6026
msgid "%U <try> to extract a soul from empty air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6033
msgid "The soul of %MU is still bound too tightly."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6040
msgid "The laws of thermodynamics forbid %U from using %MU as a power source."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6047
msgid "%MU is not under the control of %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6052
msgid ""
"%U <send> vile tendrils that envelope %MU and yank free the last vestiges of "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6106
msgid ""
"%U <scatter> blood in a rough pentagram and start the unspeakable ritual."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6129
msgid "%U <power> a deadly attack by consuming %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6164
msgid "With no willing victims, %R ritual has no effect."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6174
msgid "Cruel magics envelope thin air and dissipate."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6181
msgid "%MU <M:have> no life force to convert."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6189
msgid "%MU, not being at death's gate, <M:resist>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6195
msgid "%U <shudder> as malevolent magics dissipate."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6200
msgid "Malevolent magics surround %MU, twisting %MA into a ghast!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6237
msgid "With no corpse, %R energies dissipate."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6243
msgid "The soul has left the corpse."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6254
msgid "Dark energies swirl around %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6311
#, c-format
msgid "Shadowy tendrils yank the soul from %s and infuse it in %s."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6355
#, c-format
msgid "The wall collapses, reforming itself with the soul of %s."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6386
msgid "The ground churns as %IU <I:infuse> it with power."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6411
msgid "%IU <I:twitch>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6419
msgid "A black cloud surrounds %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6420
msgid "Oily smoke, inky black, streams to %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6425
msgid "The smoke has no substance."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6462
msgid "%U <fail> in %r attempt to extract a soul from thin air."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6476
msgid "A floating eye briefly appears before thinking better of it."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6491 action.cpp:6527 action.cpp:6561
msgid "%U <appear> in a puff of smoke!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6512
msgid "An imp briefly appears before thinking better of it."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6546
msgid "A daemon briefly appears before thinking better of it."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6580
msgid "A greenish glow appears around %R %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6584
msgid "vicinity"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6593
msgid "A thick slime fills %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6606
msgid "A thick slime coats %R %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6616
msgid "A poison bolt shoots from %r fingertip."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6625 action.cpp:6649
msgid "The ray fizzles."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6641
msgid "%U <spit>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6665
msgid "A jet black ray flies from %r eyes."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6689
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6709
msgid "%U <dig> with %r %Iu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6713
msgid "%U <dig>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6722
msgid "%r stomach feels empty."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6752
msgid "The water parts above %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6756
msgid "The acid parts above %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6760
msgid "The lava parts above %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6764
msgid "The ice breaks above %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6769
msgid "The rocks shatter above %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6796
msgid "Rocks fall from the ceiling onto %r head."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6815 action.cpp:6840
msgid "The water briefly parts below %U.."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6820
msgid "The acid briefly parts below %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6825
msgid "The lava briefly parts below %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6832
msgid "The ice breaks below %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6883
msgid "%U <shake>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6899
msgid "The dungeon briefly distorts around %U."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6909
msgid "Where do you want to teleport?"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6920 action.cpp:6977
msgid "%U <teleport>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6924
msgid "%U <be> blocked!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6933
msgid "%U <decide> to stay put."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6942 action.cpp:6952
msgid "%U <teleport> away."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6957
msgid "%U <blink> out of sight briefly."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6969
msgid "%U <blink>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:6984
msgid "%U <shudder> violently."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7022 action.cpp:7199
msgid "%U <shudder>."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7040
msgid "MOBREF corruption: pre-unpoly.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7046
msgid "%U <return> to %r original shape!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7079 action.cpp:7351
msgid "%IU <I:drop> on the ground!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7102
msgid "UnPoly Fail Transfer To"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7106
msgid "UnPoly Fail Transfer From"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7181
msgid "MOBREF corruption: unpoly.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7209
msgid "MOBREF corruption: pre-poly.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7229
msgid "%U <take> control of the transformation!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7240
msgid "yourself"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7254
msgid "Transform into what?"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7377
msgid "%U <transform> into %B1!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7391
msgid "Poly transfer to"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7395
msgid "Poly transfer from"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7455
msgid "MOBREF corruption: poly.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7469
msgid "%U <feel> momentarily stony."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7476
msgid "%U <transform> into a stone golem!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7484
msgid "%U <transform> into a cave troll!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7490 action.cpp:7505
msgid "%U <harden> into a statue!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7500
msgid "MOBREF corruption: pre-petrify.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7540
msgid "MOBREF corruption: petrify.  "
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7557
msgid "%U <feel> momentarily fleshy."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7564
msgid "%U <transform> into a flesh golem!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7572
msgid "%U <soften> into a troll!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7578
msgid "%U <sag> into a mound of featureless flesh!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7584
msgid "%U <collapse> into a mound of flesh!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7638 action.cpp:7940
msgid "%U <have> no %B1!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7648
msgid "%U <try> to equip nothing!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7695
msgid "%U <need> two hands to wield %IU!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7724
msgid "%U <be> surprised to find no %B1!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7736 action.cpp:7810
msgid "Unhandled ITEMSLOT"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7746
msgid "%U <fail> to put %IU %B1 %r %B2."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7879
msgid "%U <put> %IU %B1 %r %B2."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7899
msgid "%IU <I:chill> %r %B1!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7946
msgid "%U <have> nothing %B1 %r %B2!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7961
msgid "%U <try> to remove %IU, but %Ip <I:be> evil!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:7974
msgid "%U <have> no room to hold %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8001
msgid "%U <remove> %IU from %r %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8016
msgid "%U <utter> a quick prayer."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8020
msgid "%U <query> the gods..."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8032
msgid "%U already <control> %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8036
msgid "%U <gain> control of %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8050
msgid "%U <be> already of one mind."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8059
msgid "%U <realize> %r original body is no more!"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8099
msgid "%U <release> control of %MU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8121
msgid "%U <suffer> from deja vu."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8130 action.cpp:8190
msgid "%U <forget> %B1 before knowing it.  Impressive."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8135 action.cpp:8195
msgid "%U cannot forget %B1 while using %IU."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8157 action.cpp:8218
#, c-format
msgid "Knowing %s prevents %s from being forgotten."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8168 action.cpp:8229
msgid "%U <try> to forget %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8178 action.cpp:8239
msgid "%U <have> %B1."
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8179
msgid "free spell slot"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8240
msgid "free skill slot"
msgstr ""

#: action.cpp:8340
msgid "Invalid buttons strip"
msgstr ""
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